Thursday, February 7, 2013


I got messages from Keith this morning. Apparently, he works night shift, so he's on "my" schedule, ha! He said he was out of the loop, but he messaged a friend to find out if they were tracking the band.

A little bit later, Keith messaged again to tell me that the 1ID guys were tracking Scott and his team. That was a relief to me. Keith let me know that they (the 1ID guys) would be giving up their billeting huts directly to the 101st, so they already had accommodations lined up. Another relief, knowing that Scott would be able to get settled in quickly and help establish a routine for us.

I dropped the kids off to school and headed to the dentist to get those fillings drilled out and replaced. Took a good while to get my mouth numbed (3 rounds of shots, yikes!). I felt a bit of it on a tender nerve (I'd had concerns about needing a root canal on that tooth years ago), but the doctor said I didn't need one, thankfully!! An hour later, I left, with my left side so numb that I bit my cheek way too many times! I headed to Kohl's to pick up some things, then headed home. I was excited to receive another message from Keith!

He told me he had been able to get away from work for a bit and met up with Scott and the other 101st guys at the airstrip. The 1ID folks were taking them to the huts, and then to chow. That was some good news.

Of course, now, we are in the waiting game. I know that until Scott can get internet, or find a wifi hotspot, I won't hear from him. I'm hoping he can get that all taken care of quickly. I miss seeing his face, hearing his voice.

The rest of the day has moved remarkably slow. Got the kids from school, helped with homework. RCE had Family Math Night at Publix, so we headed out there for Scotty to do some fun math/grocery stuff. I picked up a few things we needed, and Scotty got to scan all the items when we checked out (they put aside 2 registers just for our school to do this!). We picked up some Chinese food for dinner since it was late. After we ate, the kids showered and are now in bed. I'm just trying to finish this blog post, so I can hit the sack too. I am tired. I won't sleep well until I know we have a routine of talk time set up.

It's not going to be easy. I'm not going to lie. I'm strong, but this is a hard hit to the gut. Sometimes, I just cry. I get angry when people tell me, "oh, it'll go fast, keep busy, don't worry". I get angry at the weekend whiners...those whose husbands are gone for a few days and they act like their world has fallen apart. I've been doing this for SIXTEEN MONTHS...and have probably that much to go. But then, *I* feel selfish, when I think about some of my friends who are single parents by NO CHOICE of their own. Those whose husbands passed away...and I get angry at ME.

In the end, I will be okay...I'll have my bad days, I'll have my good days. I've set a few goals for myself for the year. I pray that I will make them.


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